
We fly  more sports models than anything else – still a sprinkling of .40-.60 sized IC models but electric power is increasingly the focus, from small foamies and vintage models to spectacular aerobatic ships and converted IC designs.

A couple of contrasting examples at Northdowns:


A particularly hairy sports model – George Hackman’s electric Cougar:


Here again in a video (here not at Northdowns – flown in quite a breeze whilst away).

And another lively model – Baz Brazier’s Riot (an earlier version of the current model, photographed in 2012 by Dave Woods)

Baz Brazier with his Riot

Baz riots

And now for something completely different – Bryan Searley’s ‘Kestrel’ autogyro. Interesting second-hand buy which Brian converted from 4-stroke power to electric. Reluctant to get off the ground and minor damage to one rotor in initial trials 22 March 2016. Back to the workshop, from which it will soon emerge again:


Kyosho Oxalys

This was an electric model belonging to John Moyler.
